肥花和奶奶的长相其实不大像的…片子只有在respect电吉出声和aint no way排练伴唱姐姐的高音这两个时候让人起了鸡皮疙瘩aretha从教堂到舞台再回到教堂从与妈妈、家人对话到与歌迷对话(一直想要hit想要成名)到最后与god对话在这里结束其实还不错…但是奶奶看男人的眼光不太行极品女婿强子我是你妈可能因为小时候的意外吧
You know, there's not much difference between being stuck in a loop and being stuck repeating the same shitty day over and over like back home until I die. But back home, anything could happen. It could be so much better than the camp. We tried that, man. For almost a decade. And I'm ready to go back to not hating my life. Dying just takes a secon