能把American Dream和追求平权融合得好的片子真的不多 两位主人公自始自终怀着信念 使每一次“较量”都精彩纷呈 这个世界最怕的不是别人的闲言碎语 而是自己看低自己 就像抖森说的 Protect your talent with everything you have, because all those people who think they know who you are didn't do the work and they don't know. Have the faith in yourself!
15集之后的呢这烂剧也上岗上线了自从这群bug得飞起的“韦斯怕”“丧尸导航系统”出场后什么animal nature才是真free,这比日本漫画还飞出天际的自由理论还天天you will see, now I see. 我完全丧失思考能力根本想不明白 再甚是故事连一点转接都不做了对抗没有铺垫真“说干就干”其他时间都在思考人生考着考着就死了走了唯有一亮点的就是愁眉苦脸克全局离线劳模弩哥和男模尼根果然才是看点
“Every time I came to the end of a block and stepped off the goddam curb, I had this feeling that I'd never get to the other side of the street. I thought I'd just go down, down, down, and nobody'd ever see me again.” 看完电影只想到这段话