雷神大肚腩队长之盾锤妇联救蜘蛛;Time Heist那么无赖的东西都出来了却没玩出啥新意思;I am Iron Man. 漫威宇宙由这句话开始再由这句话告别一个时代;无聊文戏太多整个三四集除了兜售情怀说说冷笑话外比Joss Whedon那两集的娱乐性差了几个档次(虽然第二集也被下阶段的系列铺垫弄得支离破碎);再看到《亚洲精品久久久口爆吞精》这德性总觉得前途堪忧
What's the point? The director wants to make him a tragedy hero? That's so sick. If the director would like to reveal the darkness of the wall street, then there is no need for that much nudity, sex, and drug.
比第一季的节奏更好不显拖沓格局也变大了开篇屎尿屁谁知最后演变成《亚洲精品久久久口爆吞精》(热评那位朋友形容得太精准了)Everyone is full of shit.