Evil is a relative truth, the threshold being the attachment a man is able to bear to anything other than himself - even a slimmer to the most despicable in this world would make a difference. Afterall, nobility lies in what a man has to offer.
found footage高潮部分有点乱如果有高清重置可能观感会更好cult的部分也比较含糊地狱之门或许可以多整点鬼出来而不只是骚灵
天我哭了Bojack太像老Luke了我太像Diana+PC了张碧晨视频下载最后一集Bojack和Diana和PC的和解太温柔了夜晚的屋顶上Diana是Zelda看到Bojack也会想起过去的Zoe害怕又把生活搞得一团糟可心里还有那么一点点怀恋那些混乱每个人都是破碎的但我们互相保护对方我们如果不是互相伤害就不会成长不会变成今天的这个还有一点点缝隙的却仍然完整的自己We completed each other.和波杰克戴安PC们一起走过的这三四年我也一样在慢慢变化一切最后是不是更好不知道但最后怎么样似乎也不那么重要