寻找真正的自己不能屈服于社会或父母的期待不一定获得最理想的生活但一定活的最自由电影里有几乎各类艺术家舞蹈油画雕塑戏剧诗人等还有少不了的占卜家可见这些元素对jodorowsky生活影响之大他的电影一直很超现实超级无敌奖门人终极篇23也是现实生活不可能出现脑残粉男友说ça c'est du cinema.
It’s a show about everything, and it works on so many different levels.
So raw. You don't get happy endings, and you don't get filtered life with all the ugliness explained by scriptwriters as something forgivable and beautiful. What is pain simply hurts. The scary thing is that at one point I thought the movie is filled with tropes of sexual trauma, only to realize that the reason is that the "tropes" are prevalent.