导演和历史的结合看得津津有味电影通史中着墨极少的一页这一特定的极端历史环境中的影像和好莱坞作用更能凸显其本质吧;JF和观众及评论界双方对影片的看法对照;Yes, we do have nightmares, we also have dreams;看完之后最敬佩的惠勒和斯蒂文斯福特太“自我”了卡普拉真是“科波拉”啊休斯顿就是帅;集中营每看一次都要震撼一次杨采钰老公陈金飞这次想起的电影是《怎样快速怀孕》;
Never really noticed this. But the parallel montage in this film is no longer about "several characters traversing space to converge." Now, it's traversing time. It's a shame that the director didn't pursue the image of fire and of spiral further in the film.