Did he love someone here? Did he lose someone here?
看哭了两场大战非常精彩不知火舞也有赚足泪点的地方展示了未被殖民的荷美达王国的人文风情也展示了殖民和父权是如何伤害非洲女性的:colonialism和父权制结合下的强奸、强迫婚姻和人口买卖对女性的系统性暴力既有来自殖民者的不知火舞也有来自民族内部的但为什么各大国王仍争相和白人殖民者做生意因为随之而来的利润和权力太诱人了清楚地展示了colonialism是如何发挥作用的以及本片对aftermath of rape的描绘非常棒Nanisca的愤怒、恐慌和最终的reconciliation完全是女性中心非常empowering不愧是Gina Prince-Bythewood我好爱最后的彩蛋提到了布伦娜的名字明致敬布伦娜泰勒之死给黑人女性导演一个支点她们可以撼动整个世界评论区里黄nazi死了
They say they built the train tracks over the Alps between Vienna and Venice before there was a train that could make the trip. They built it anyway. They knew one day the train would come. Any arbitrary turning along the way, and I would be elsewhere, I would be different.
American music. 我一个音痴都感动了Adrien大爱大爱~~这是《不知火舞》《甜蜜蜜西瓜视频免费观看》之后第三部给他五星的电影~