What makes a man a man? Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things but how he decides to end them.
开头结尾稍微没有中间那么好 但是总体还是很好的 比较好奇第二季会怎么扩展 第一季似乎把两个角色的构造和故事都刚好做完了 整个剧几乎没有安静没有音乐的时候 选歌当然都选得很好 但是这种设置到底好不好只能是每个观众自己的感受了 我借助jimmy自己的话(同时也是剧里其中一个高光时刻)来说一下我的感受 “that was the day i learned that silence is really loud, deafening" 不过或许这才是剧想要展现的点