It's been really nice getting to know u. It's hard to believe it's only been a couple of months. I feel like I've known u... I have all these words, these things... things I feel I need to say to u, only now. Something I don't know the capacity to speak.
School Days最终那个血腥的悲剧结尾才是最完美的结尾一幕幕如审判版结算着一切的对错桂言叶和西园寺世界最大的错误莫过于将男女之爱放在了一个错误的高度碰上一个人渣还不赶快掰掰陪读妈妈小说的完整版最终只能是悲剧世界上的爱很多爱情只是其中之一虽然看起来是那么重要和美好